IIS Onboarding: External Onboarding Solutions for Immunization Information Systems (IIS)

The COVID-19 pandemic requires state and local public health jurisdictions to onboard and integrate a tremendous amount of external organizations to shared public health systems, such as Immunization Registries, Disease Surveillance Systems, and Vital Record Systems. Public Health systems should never be a barrier for external organizations to submit important data to improve health prevention measures and outcomes throughout the nation.

Download IIS Resource Center Guide

SSG’s Onboarding Solution makes account creation, data exchange, and data connections quick and easy and can work with any existing Immunization Information System, Disease Surveillance Platform, Pandemic Response System, or Vital Records Solution.

  • Enable self-registration where external users can submit applications to establish secure accounts in your IIS or Disease Surveillance systems.
  • Automate and streamline your operations to ease workload on already strained staff. 
  • Address inadequate staffing challenges and reduce the impact of staff turnover.
  • Improve constituent services by enabling self-service and increasing timeliness and accuracy of responses. 
  • Easily look-up and report the onboarding status and profiles for your thousands of provider sites.
  • Ensure compliance with important security policies through use of configurable business processes. 
  • Enable robust patient follow-up procedures including automated communication and information sharing. 
  • Reduce manual work associated with processing onboarding requests. 
  • Reduce chances of something falling through the cracks which impacts end user experience or public health data management. 
  • Easily collect new signature documents from external sites.
  • Provide ongoing resources to end users for constituent engagement.
  • Reduce information bottlenecks.
  • Manage Help Desk tickets through resolution.
  • Built on SSG’s Casetivity platform, an award-winning software solution for public health agencies.
  • Modular design: workflow integration is configurable to your organization.  Quickly assign and approve priority tasks
  • Fully compliant with HIPAA, FERPA, FHIR standards, and other public sector regulations and security standards
  • HL7 Compliant for full data integration and exchange.
  • No on-going software maintenance fees or vendor lock-in.
Streamline End User and Data Exchange Partner Onboardings

Streamline End User and Data Exchange Partner Onboardings

Streamline, Optimize, and Automate Processes

Streamline, Optimize, and Automate Processes

Make Data Exchange Certification Testing Easy

Make Data Exchange Certification Testing Easy

Identify Important Trends with Extensive Data Extracts

Identify Important Trends with Extensive Data Extracts

Integrate APIs to Existing IT Environments with No Disruptions

Integrate APIs to Existing IT Environments with No Disruptions

Get a Fully Managed Solution with Secure Data Protection

Get a Fully Managed Solution with Secure Data Protection

Key Features

  • Easy to deploy
  • Connects to any existing IIS or Single Sign-On Portal via APIs
  • Custom validation rules for data exchange certification testing
  • Data privacy & security
  • HL7 compliant
  • Full warranty
  • Configurable / Customizable
  • Actionable intelligence
  • Real-time notifications
  • Training and reference portal
  • Document repository for signature documents
  • Centralized ticketing system for user support teams

Covers 100% of Major Functions

  • Expedited End User Self-Registration Process  
  • Portal for Training and Reference Material 
  • Comprehensive Data Exchange Onboarding 
  • Configurable Dashboards for Task Management and Monitoring 
  • Extensive Reports and Data Extracts 
  • Fully Configurable Workflow Engine to Setup a Process Based on Your Policies 
SSG's PRS includes our onboarding solution along with other critical applications like data management, contact tracing, and more.