SSG Video

Public Health Data Management Solution (DMS) Explainer Video

Posted on May 3rd, 2021   |   SSG

SSG’s Public Health Data Management Solution (DMS) has helped public health organizations meet requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To support disease surveillance and outbreak mitigation, public health organizations are burdened with collecting and processing high volumes of non-standardized data, and are often spending valuable time doing so manually. Reconciling and harmonizing data feeds is an urgent need to enable timely analytics and surveillance. Solutions that automate data cleansing, validation and workflow processes are necessary to free valuable public health resources and improve outcomes.

View Public Health Data Management Solution (DMS) Explainer Video

FAQs: Questions about Public Health Data Management Solution

What is SSG’s Public Health Data Management Solution (DMS)?

The data management solution automates data cleansing, validation, and workflow processes to streamline administrative workflows, so workers do not have to enter this information by hand. This leaves more time for administrative tasks, individual case management, and community outreach. It is a flexible, highly customizable application that can be deployed within a matter of days for rapid implementation and immediate results.

What are the benefits of SSG’s DMS?

The DMS allows for seamless document and data ingestion by automatically uploading and standardizing various file types while flagging duplicate entries for user review. The data is kept in a secure, centralized repository for enhanced organization and efficient reporting. The workflow of the system can be easily customized based on the department’s operations. The system allows users to highlight emerging trends or locate individual records for reporting purposes based on the intended recipient.

What are the key features of SSG’s Public Health Data Management Solution?

By automating routine processes, users will save time when uploading and processing public health data, so they can focus their effort on other tasks. Easy to deploy. The system supports a wide range of data formats, including but not limited to XLS, XLSX, CSV, TSV, JSON, XML, so departments can easily work with different labs and healthcare facilities. It supports rapid implementation and can go live in a matter of days while giving users the freedom to customize the interface for flexible reporting and data analysis.

View Public Health Data Management Solution (DMS) Explainer Video