SSG Blog

Capabilities of Our Public Health Data Management Solution

Posted on February 13th, 2023   |   SSG

Many public health agencies are using outdated systems that can reduce the quality of the data they collect. The SSG data management system automatically imports data from a wide range of sources to speed up the reporting process. Health departments can use this technology to better manage their data in the age of COVID-19. 

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the need for scalable, efficient data management solutions. Still, many state and local public health departments are using outdated data collection systems that reduce efficiency and data accuracy. These departments are being asked to collect, organize, and analyze large volumes of data related to the pandemic, including lab test results, symptom monitoring, vaccination rates, and individual causes of death to see if the virus may have played a role. But public health agencies are facing staff shortages and budget cuts that can impede their ability to respond quickly and effectively to a health crisis. 

SSG’s Public Health Software is made to help public health departments make the most of their resources by simplifying the data collection and management process. The software reduces the need for manual data entry to help public health workers save time, so they increase the scope and scale of their analysis without using additional resources. Our technology is entirely customizable to accommodate the unique workflow of each department while giving workers more opportunities to double-check their work. It is designed to give agencies the tools they need to overcome common roadblocks, so they can meet the challenges of the day and be a reliable partner in the fight against infectious diseases. 

Public health departments should consider changing the way they collect their data as the need for real-time disease reporting grows. New variants and multiple infectious diseases will continue to spread simultaneously, putting additional pressure on state and local health departments. Our technology makes it easy for departments with limited resources to quickly incorporate and analyze data from a wide range of sources, so officials have everything they need to respond to the crisis of the day.  

Overcoming the Challenges of Large-Scale Reporting

COVID-19 caught many public health departments off guard. These organizations were forced to dramatically scale up their public data management operations without a demonstrable increase in funding or staff. Many relied on outdated systems that required workers to enter information by hand due to incompatible records systems. 

Private healthcare providers, labs, and other testing facilities send their data to their local public health department, but each facility uses its own system, which may or may not be compatible with the one being used at the public health department. Workers will then need to copy and paste the data from one form to another, which will slow down the reporting process, especially if the department needs to process tens of thousands of individual health records from different reporting systems. Transferring data from one format to another can also lead to lost information. Details may be excluded from the report or wind up in the wrong field by mistake, which limits the agency’s ability to respond to the situation in real-time. 

Emerging variants and competing viruses will only compound these problems. The healthcare system faced what some called a “tripledemic” last winter as the flu, COVID-19, and RSV spread across the country. Public health departments will need to adjust their process as the situation evolves. Workers may need to include new symptoms or make space for supplementary information, but the current system they are using may make it impossible for them to add these details. Paper-based forms, faxes, and Excel spreadsheets cannot be easily adjusted as the type of information being collected evolves.

Health departments need to act fast during times of crisis. An outdated data management system will only delay their ability to submit their findings to the state and federal government, which is responsible for mounting a coherent response. These types of delays can cost lives as more people get exposed to preventable illnesses. Administrators need to be able to generate and submit their reports to the proper authorities quickly without sacrificing quality. They may also need to locate and/or highlight certain details relevant to the situation at hand, so they can answer questions accurately as the data comes in. 

Finally, public health departments must collect large volumes of sensitive personal health information while complying with the latest privacy protections. Each piece of data must be stored safely and securely to protect patients’ identities and earn the public’s trust.

SSG’s Data Management Solution built on Casetivity is designed to help public health departments overcome these challenges using a simple, configurable data collection system that organizes the information into the correct format for fast, effective analysis. The program quickly ingests data from a wide range of sources, including lab reports, test results, and even provider notes, to streamline the data collection process. Workers will be able to review duplicate entries or adjust the input fields to ensure the report is as accurate as possible. 

Automating routine processes will help departments save time and money. They can accommodate new information or expand the scope of their operations without hiring additional staff. The program makes it easy to adjust the interface and the types of data being collected, so workers can tailor their approach based on the situation at hand. 

Our Data Management Solution is compliant with the latest privacy protections, including HIPAA, to keep the data safe. 

Public health departments can overcome these roadblocks with the right technology. SSG offers a high-performance approach to help agencies of all sizes comply with the latest reporting requirements without going over budget, which makes for a healthier, safer world.

How can this data management solution better healthcare professionals?

Healthcare officials and immunologists can use the SSG platform to quickly organize large quantities of public health data into a standardized format that can be used to identify important trends that can affect the health and safety of the public. The program will cleanse and validate the data to make sure officials are making decisions using the most accurate information. This allows public health professionals to zero in on factors and variables that can protect individuals from the spread of disease.

What is this solution capable of helping professionals with?

Professionals tasked with collecting public health data and reporting on the latest infectious diseases can use the SSG platform to improve efficiency and data quality, so they can use the resources they have to keep the public safe during a crisis. 

The program is designed to help all types of public health professionals stay informed by creating a reliable flow of information. It is flexible and scalable to meet the needs of each jurisdiction without inflating the department’s budget. 

Workers can use the software to automatically transfer information from different types of records and forms to a secure web-based data portal. They can then double-check their work, analyze the results, identify trends, and generate various types of reports that can be shared with officials in charge of keeping the public safe and informed. 

The public health data management system is ultimately designed to help professionals save time and money, so they can do their jobs and report on the issues of the day without putting the public at risk.

Is the data management system hard to navigate?

No, the health data management system interface streamlines the data collection process. The tool can automatically ingest data from an electronic health system, digital files, and other silos that contain important disease-related information to create a comprehensive view of the current situation. Health professionals can quickly identify and monitor important trends as they unfold over time, so they can then incorporate their findings into the latest public health guidelines. 

The nature of responding to pandemics has changed dramatically over the past few years. Public health departments are tasked with collecting and organizing more information than ever before. Our data management solution built on our Casetivity platform is here to help agencies at all levels better understand and respond to the crises of the day. The platform will reduce the amount of time it takes to gather and analyze the data to speed up response times. Contact SSG to request a free demo of our Software Solutions for Public Health Agencies today!