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Consumer Access Solution

Posted on August 25th, 2021   |   SSG

Consumer Access Solution

Meet the growing consumer demand for vaccination information.  SSG’s Consumer Access solution easily connects into any existing Query by Parameter (QBP) HL7 enabled IIS registry

Local and state public health departments are scrambling to get solutions in place in order to meet the growing demand for consumer access to COVID vaccination records, and many are currently experiencing issues processing these requests. SSG’s Consumer Access solution is designed tobeafullymanagedplug-and-playsolution that can easily connectintoyourexisting Query by Parameter (QBP) HL7 enabled IIS registry in as little as 4 weeks!

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FAQs: Questions about Consumer Access Solution

What are the Features of the Consumer Access Solution?

The Consumer Access in Information Systems Solution is fully mobile enabled, making it easy to access from anywhere. The easy 3-step self-registration process improves the adoption rate and reduces the need for support staff. It is SSL Encrypted, making it secure and compliant with all federal regulations. The Secure Standards-Based APIs can also easily connect to any registry.

What is the importance of consumer access for vaccination records?

“Consumer access to vaccination information gives individuals direct access to their vaccination records, so they can make informed decisions about their health. This information can be critical in ensuring that individuals receive the appropriate vaccines at the recommended intervals, which is essential for maintaining their health and preventing the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases.

Furthermore, consumer access to vaccination information can help public health officials monitor vaccination rates and identify areas where additional outreach may be needed. This information can be critical in controlling outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases and protecting public health.”

Does the Solution integrate with other platforms?

The Consumer Access Solution can easily integrate with any existing IIS system registry that supports Query by Parameter (QBP) HL7 functionality. State health departments can adopt the solution without dramatically restructuring their immunization information.

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