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IIS System: Understanding Immunization Information Systems - Strategic Solutions Group, LLC

Posted on August 25th, 2021   |   SSG

Modernize your IIS with SSG’s cloud-enabled, off-the-shelf solution featuring strong scalability and performance.

Too frequently, public health organizations continue to rely on slow, manual, and paper-based processes or an unreliable IIS that creates bottlenecks in response times when accurate information is critical for community safety.

SSG’s IIS is a full feature, cloud-enabled, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution that was designed to manage vaccine reporting, inventory management, and EHR messaging with no information bottlenecks or breakdowns

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FAQs: Questions about Immunization Information System (IIS)

What is SSG’s IIS Immunization Information System?

SSG’s Immunization Information System (IIS) is a comprehensive, cloud-based, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution that is specifically engineered to handle vaccine reporting, inventory management, and EHR data messaging without any hindrances or interruptions. It automatically uploads and analyzes various types of vaccination records for improved accuracy and efficiency. The information can be made easily accessible to consumers, federal agencies, and other entities seeking immunization data.

What kind of data does IIS collect and analyze?

The IIS collects and analyzes disease and virus-specific immunization data within a specific geographic region, state, or territory. Specifically, each entry includes basic health information about the individual receiving the vaccine, including their age, ethnicity, and gender, whether they suffer from preexisting health conditions, as well as the name and ID number of the provider/facility administering the vaccine.

How does the IIS support public health decision making?

Public health departments and administrators use the immunization database to improve public messaging around the vaccine based on which groups have yet to be immunized. The data will also inform public health policies designed to prevent infection depending on what percentage of the population has been vaccinated.

How is the security of information in the IIS ensured?

The solution is SSL Encrypted, making it secure and compliant with all federal regulations and patient privacy protections.

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