SSG Infographic

How to Evaluate a New Early Intervention System | SSG

Posted on July 21st, 2021   |   SSG

Choosing a new system for your Early Intervention program can be a high-stake undertaking, and a decision that has major consequences if not done correctly. So, whether you’re putting together an RFI, an RFP, or evaluating a set of pre-approved vendors, we’ve compiled some of the major features, functionalities, watch-outs, and questions you should be asking throughout the evaluation process so you can feel great about the choice you ultimately make for your new Early Intervention system. Good luck!

View How to Evaluate a New Early Intervention System Infographic

FAQs: Questions about Early Intervention

What is Early Intervention Software?

Early Intervention software is a cloud-based web application that stores and analyzes information related to the state’s early intervention program. The platform synchronized entries for all users while adhering to the latest privacy protection laws. It automatically organizes data from various file types to simplify the documentation process and the interface can be customized based on the department’s preferred workflow.

What kind of data does the SSG platform collect and analyze?

The Early Intervention (SSG) Early Intervention program collects information about the child receiving care, including the nature of their disabilities, what type of care they require, where they live and where they are most likely to spend their time, so they can receive these services in a timely manner. Entries will also include provider notes on the child’s condition and/or development and contact information for the parents and/or guardians.

How can an EI Management Software solution serve early childhood intervention professionals?

Early childhood intervention professionals can use the Early Intervention Management Software to automatically upload and process information related to specific cases and the program’s overall implementation to save time. The platform also allows them to quickly analyze existing trends and data for compliance and reporting purposes. Each user can customize the interface based on their preferred workflow.

View How to Evaluate a New Early Intervention System Infographic