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Low Code Software Platform: What is Low Code Software?

Posted on August 18th, 2023   |   SSG

Low-code software can be used to build configurable software programs for public health agencies. The program automatically writes code for certain design features, so administrators don’t have to write code manually. This reduces the amount of time it takes to launch a healthcare application on the state or local level. 

Low-code software is changing software development for the better, and public health organizations stand to benefit from this new coding technique. The average software program consists of thousands, if not millions, of lines of code that must be checked and analyzed before the program can run. Low-code software speeds up the process by automatically generating large sections of code for individual features, so workers don’t have to write these lines of code by hand. 

Public health agencies can use this technology to design web-based application programs that track the spread of disease, including communicable diseases like COVID-19 and environmental hazards like lead poisoning. Low-code software accelerates the development process to help these organizations build and manage digital programs when responding to emerging health crises.

Learn about the benefits of low-code software for public health and how it is being used to create configurable health applications.

What Is Low-Code Software for Public Health?

Low-code software is a software development platform that limits the need for manual coding by automatically generating large fields of code. 

A healthcare low-code software program contains a series of development tools/options that public health organizations can use to quickly design web-based applications. Workers don’t need coding experience to use these tools.

The software comes with an intuitive user interface that shows the designer exactly what their app will look like during the development process. The user can drag and drop certain features and elements into place without writing code for each section. Each design element is configurable, so the department can change how the element will function or appear on the application. 

Agencies can also also use the software to update existing health applications. Public health workers can quickly change the input fields based on the latest disease reporting requirements as the nature of the threat evolves. For example, providers may need to add new vaccines, symptoms, or medications to the records systems. 

Even though low coding reduces the need for manual coding, it isn’t meant to replace it altogether. Health agencies may still need to hire an IT expert to further configure the application before it goes live. The software makes it easy for experienced coders to supplement the design by letting them add manual code to the finished product, thus further expanding the software’s capabilities.

What Is Low-Code Software Development for Public Health?

Low-code software development in public health is the process of using low-code software to build a configurable healthcare application, such as an immunization information system (IIS), early intervention program, or a system for tracking the spread of disease. 

The agency will typically use low-code development software to build the base of the app by choosing from a list of configurable coding tools and features, such as menus and input fields for gathering patient information. They can simply drag and drop these elements into place and preview the results before taking the application live. These building blocks can be replicated to quickly generate templates for similar health applications before they are modified for individual diseases.  

Once the agency has added these pre-built design elements into the application, they can further customize the interface by adding manual code that tailors the software program to the organization’s specific needs. This can be used to enhance the program’s functionality.

For example, the agency may need to add a translation feature to make sure patients and providers of various backgrounds can use the application. Digital files will need to be added to the app if providers need to pull up diagnostic images or video while managing cases. 

What Are the Advantages of Using Low-Code Software for Public Health?

Low-code software development is typically much faster and less expensive than traditional hard coding, which will help the agency save time and money when building a configurable health application.

Time is of the essence when it comes to launching a health application. These agencies need to move fast when responding to a novel disease or environmental hazard. Low-coding speeds the process along to help the agency get new programs off the ground as soon as possible, so providers can start recording and analyzing patient data in real-time. This information can then be used to predict new cases and infections, which will help the department allocate resources to the areas that need the most.

Low coding also keeps the development process flexible as the organization collects feedback from providers and stakeholders in the community. The agency will need to update the program amid changing state and federal regulations. Users can quickly adjust the types of information being collected so these changes can be implemented in a matter of hours instead of days. 

Public health workers typically lack the experience needed to design an application from scratch. The agency may not have anyone on staff with a background in coding. But a low-code application platform is designed to be easy to use – even for those with little to no coding knowledge. It uses a visual-based interface that shows the user a preview of each design element. All they have to do is drag the element into place to begin building an application. 

These organizations are also working with limited budgets and need to document the impact of their efforts to receive federal funding. Using a low-code application platform ultimately reduces the cost of the project, so organizations can deliver results using existing resources. 

Is Low-Code Software Secure?

Yes, low-code software is completely secure. The code development platform automatically generates code for specific design elements using the latest industry standards. The user onboarding and verification process can be adjusted to make sure only approved officials have access to patient data. The application should also be reviewed and monitored to ensure it complies with patient privacy regulations, including HIPAA. 

The low-code software vendor will also be there to help the organization use the software if they run into any issues along the way. Agencies should discuss their privacy needs and concerns with the company licensing the software to make sure the system will keep information secure. 

Low code is helping healthcare agencies digitize routine processes that are vital to keeping the community safe. The market for low-code software is expected to increase dramatically over the next few years as more organizations and industries discover the benefits of this technology. According to Bloomberg, over 65% of application development will use low code by 2024. 

SSG is here to help public health departments utilize this technology to build disease surveillance and data collection software programs. Learn more about our low-code public health software and how it can help you save time and money on your next software project.