SSG Guide

Early Intervention Platform: Enhancing Child Development Services | SSG

Posted on June 13th, 2022   |   SSG

Flexibility to Efficiently Enter, Track, Access and Report on Child Data At SSG

we understand that time and funding is precious within the Public Health Community. Throughout our 16 years in business, we have seen our public health partners struggle with inflexible fit-to-purpose solutions that are expensive to maintain, hard to customize and don’t interoperate as needed for wholistic public health and education responses. That is why we created a dynamic and comprehensive Early Childhood system specifically for Public Health called Casetivity-EI. Casetivity-EI provides all the Early Childhood functionality you need, including robust data exchange, hyper-configurable case management functionality and strong security features.

  • Automate and Optimize Your Operations: Business Process First! Your operations are driven by business processes. Casetivity-EI allows you to establish processes end-to-end, help your organization follow them, and then help make your processes smarter.
  • Unify your Data and Legacy Applications: Are You Spending Time and Money on a patch-work of Legacy Systems? Do you have one system for Child data entry, another for Program Payments and yet another for connections with other relevant systems? So many organizations spend money maintaining and using legacy systems that trap their data in silos. With Casetivity-EI you will be able to easily migrate legacy applications into a secure and robust central system. The headache of your legacy applications will disappear and you’ll have an actionable, single version of the truth regarding records within your enterprise. Since Casetivity-EI has the ability to support so many different program needs, you have the benefit of using a single system throughout your program.
  • Reduce Risk and Costs. Leverage the Software as a Service to reduce risk and optimize costs. SSG is well-positioned to take care of your IT needs so you can focus on the more important work or serving your constituents.
  • Comprehensive Features for Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention. Out of the box, Casetivity-EI includes functionality in all of these areas to support your program:
    • Referral
    • Enrollment
    • Evaluation
    • Eligibility
    • IFSP Process
    • Service Delivery
    • Transfer/Transition
    • Discharge
    • Personnel Certification
    • Fiscal
      • Claim Submission
      • Adjudication
      • Claim Payments
    • Federal (IDEA) and State reports and dashboards
    • AI-based Deduplication Algorithm


Only SSG combines the power of a highly configurable platform with the Early Childhood subject matter knowledge to put your Digital Transformation on the fast track

Download the Guide Here.