SSG Case Study

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Massachusetts Case Study - SSG, LLC

Posted on July 19th, 2021   |   SSG

Massachusetts Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Background

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health promotes the health and well-being of all residents by ensuring access to high quality public health and healthcare services, and by focusing on prevention, wellness, and health equity in all people.

Massachusetts Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) helps prevent, screen, diagnose, and treat childhood lead poisoning. They work to eliminate sources of poisoning through research and educational, epidemiological, and clinical and environmental activities.

View Lead Poisoning Prevention System Case Study

FAQs: Questions about Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention

What is lead poisoning?

Lead poisoning is the accidental ingestion or inhalation of lead particles, commonly found in lead-based paint, buildings constructed before the mid-20th century, metal welding and cutting. Exposure to lead can lead to neurological changes and delays, nausea, and stomach pain, and even can be fatal at high levels.

How is the collected data utilized?

The SSG Lead Poisoning Prevention Solution collects information about those who test positive for lead poisoning, including their name, contact information, health symptoms, possible means of exposure, and current address. This allows public health officials to act fact in the event of an outbreak, so they can contain the hazard and minimize the number of people exposed.

What are the key features of the Lead Poisoning Prevention Platform?

The SSG Lead Poisoning Prevention Solution uses geographic information systems to standardize address inputs and will flag duplicate entries to improve the accuracy of the report. The platform can also be used to conduct training sessions, track licensing of lead inspectors, quickly condense the data into organized reports, and manage cases on an individual, environmental, or provider basis.

View Lead Poisoning Prevention System Case Study